Is Cambridge IGCSE distance learning right for your child?

Is Cambridge IGCSE distance learning right for your child?

  1. Conditions for successful studying under the Cambridge programme
  2. How do you know if the Cambridge programme is right for your child?
  3. What do you need to make a decision?

If you are considering studying the Cambridge IGCSE programme, you probably already know a little about its benefits. But is this format right for your child? Will he or she be comfortable studying at an intensive pace and mastering the material at home? We suggest you check it out right now.

Conditions for successful studying under the Cambridge programme

For effective studying under the Cambridge programme, you need to take into account several mandatory aspects.

  • Knowledge of English at a minimum of B1 level. All classes within the Cambridge programme are conducted exclusively in English. Therefore, a child must have a good command of the language to understand the material and keep up with the programme. If the level of English is not yet sufficient, it is worth preparing in advance.
  • The child's motivation. This is an extremely important condition. The decision to study the Cambridge programme should be the child's initiative, not the parents'. When a student strives to reach new heights, they will take responsibility for their studies, complete tasks diligently and cope with any difficulties.
  • Self-discipline and organisation. Distance learning under the Cambridge programme requires students to be attentive, responsible, able to plan their time, and work independently with a variety of learning materials. This is not always easy, but with the support of parents and teachers, every student can develop these skills.

How do you know if the Cambridge programme is right for your child?

Still not sure whether your teenager will be interested in studying at Cambridge? We advise you to pay attention to the most important things!

  1. Your child dreams of studying abroad.
    If your student is planning to enter a prestigious university abroad, studying under the Cambridge programme will significantly increase their chances. The programme meets international educational standards and prepares graduates for the important international IGCSE exam, which is recognised by educational institutions in different countries. This is a solid foundation for your child's educational and career opportunities around the world.
  2. It is interesting for a student to study subjects at a deeper level.
    The Cambridge programme allows you to choose subjects that best suit your child's interests and abilities. This is a significant advantage for children who want to explore different areas of knowledge in more depth, without being limited to the standard school approach. In addition, students can focus on those subjects that are really important for further higher education and career without wasting time.
  3. The student is capable and cannot prove himself or herself in a classical school.
    Not all students are satisfied with the traditional approach to learning, which is usually focused on memorising and reproducing information, and assessment is based on tests and quizzes. If your child has outstanding abilities but is tired of the standard educational system, the Cambridge programme may be an interesting alternative for them. There are a lot of practical tasks, oral interviews, and projects, so teenagers can fully develop their creative skills and critical thinking. This approach to learning helps children to better understand the material, not just memorise facts for later review.
  4. A graduate wants to feel confident at university.
    Studying under the Cambridge programme is also a general preparation for the higher education system. Students gradually get used to new requirements, learn to organise their work independently, perform more complex tasks, and overcome certain challenges. That is, while studying under the Cambridge programme, students not only acquire academic knowledge but also develop important practical skills. This boosts a child's self-confidence and helps them to be more successful in higher education.

What do you need to make a decision?

Weigh up the pros and cons, talk to your child about their aspirations and plans for the future. It is important that he or she is ready for this step. If you have any questions, please contact us in any convenient way! We will be happy to advise you and tell you more about all the conditions of studying the Cambridge programme at Optima School. Remember that your decision should be crucial for your child's successful future!

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